Chapter 29. Opening Files from Command-Line - org.csstudio.openfile

Table of Contents

Eclipse Launcher
Product Name
Handle SWT.OpenDocuments
Associate File Types with Handlers
Default Command-Line Action


While it is quite easy to open display or other CSS configuration files inside CSS, i.e. when CSS is already running, there is often also the need to open such files from outside of CSS. This is especially important for sites that are transitioning to CSS. If legacy control system tools can somehow open CSS displays from the command line, i.e. also from within shell scripts, the transition can be much smoother.

Eclipse Launcher

The Eclipse Launcher supports a command-line option

--launcher.openFile  some_file_name.ext

When this option is found, the launcher will send the SWT.OpenDocuments event to the RCP application. The launcher will also check for another copy of the RCP application. If it detects that another copy of the RCP application is already running, it will send the event to that application.

Fundamentally, this accomplishes the goal: CSS can receive the names of files that it should open from the command line. Duplicate instances of CSS are automatically prevented.

Product Name

To benefit from this Eclipse feature, several steps are necessary.

The launcher needs to detect another instance of CSS that might already be running, and it has to be able to do this on all supported operating systems. Eclipse depends on the following correlation between the product name and the launcher name:

  • The launcher name has to be a lower-case name like css. You configure the launcher name in the Launching tab of the editor for your *.product file. On Windows, the resulting launcher is actually called css.exe.
  • The application name must match the launcher name with the first letter capitalized, i.e. Css. You specify the application name on the Overview tab of the editor for your *.product file, in the General Information section. After pressing the Synchronize link on the Overview tab of the product editor, you should find the same application name in the product's plugin.xml file like this:
    <extension id="product"
        <property name="appName" value="Css">
    The key here is that the appName matches the name of your launcher with the first letter capitalized.

Handle SWT.OpenDocuments

Your CSS application needs to handle the received SWT.OpenDocuments events. When you use the Workbench class from the plugin org.csstudio.utility.product, its ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor will attempt to open all received files. To accomplish this, it relies on the DisplayUtil from the org.csstudio.openfile plugin.

Associate File Types with Handlers

The org.csstudio.openfile plugin declares an extension point org.csstudio.openfile.openDisplay that other plugins can implement to support opening their files from the command-line.

One example is BOY, which will open *.opi files in the BOY runtime.

One might think that the existing Eclipse registry entries for editors are sufficient to associate file types with a handler that can open them. The editor registry, however, allows for the registration of multiple editors. When using that to open files from the command line, it would be hard to predict if for example an *.opi file was opened in the desired BOY runtime, or in the BOY editor, a generic XML file editor or a plain text file editor. The designated ...openDisplay extension point avoids such ambiguities.

Default Command-Line Action

As described so far, a CSS product can open files from the command line when called like this:

css --launcher.openFile some_file.opi

When adding the following to the *.ini file of your product, simply listing the file name is sufficient:


Note that this is the *.ini file of the product, not the configuration/config.ini. If the product is called css, that file is in the same directory as the launcher and called css.ini. Instead of manually editing the file, add the --launcher.defaultAction openFile in the *.product file under Launching Arguments, Program Arguments.

For one, this can be more convenient. In addition, this is necessary to support opening files on windows when you double click a file that is associated with CSS, or you select files and choose Open With or Sent To CSS, because that mechanism will invoke CSS with just the file names, lacking the --launcher.openFile option.