Chapter 1. Introduction

There are fundamentally two ways to look at Control System Studio (CSS): As an end user, or as a developer and system administrator. This book is for the latter. It is organized in a way that it might help somebody who is about to install Control System Studio (CSS) at a site. It starts with a general overview of what CSS is, and then walks through the steps to compile pieces of CSS from source code, how to set up an archive engine, configure an alarm server and so on.

As an end user in the control room, you should be able to simply start CSS. In your office, you might be able to download CSS from some local web page for installation onto your office PC. In either case, the CSS product that you get has already been pre-configured for your site. As an end user, if you have questions about how to use CSS or some particular part of it, please refer to the online help that is accessible from within CSS via the menu Help, Help Contents. This book may still include some useful information about the details of a CSS installation, but the online help should be the primary source of information for end users.